Some People Are Coming Out As ‘Symbiosexual’ – Here’s What It Means

In recent years, the term “symbiosexuality” has emerged within the expanding landscape of sexual identities. Some may initially regard it as just another niche label. However, this concept has garnered attention from many who believe it accurately represents their distinct experiences of attraction. Symbiosexuality refers to a type of attraction in which individuals are not drawn to a specific person based on their physical or personal characteristics, but rather to the “energy” shared among two or more individuals in a relationship. This energy, described by symbiosexuals as “dynamic, multifaceted, and powerful,” is what drives their desire.

Energy as a Central Element of Attraction

Energy as a Central Element of Attraction

The primary distinction between symbiosexual attraction and more conventional forms of desire is its emphasis on relational energy. Dr. Sally Johnston, an adjunct professor of Anthropology and Sociology at Seattle University, states that symbiosexual individuals are intrigued by the synergy and emotional connection that exists between partners in a relationship. “They’re not necessarily attracted to the people themselves, but to the dynamic that emerges from their connection,” Johnston explains.

This emphasis on relational energy may come as a surprise to those who are not familiar with the concept. Traditional attraction is typically seen as being based on physical appearance or emotional bonds with an individual. However, symbiosexuality challenges this perspective by placing the relationship itself as the focal point of desire.

Symbiosexuality Beyond Polyamory

While symbiosexuality may seem to resemble the practices of polyamory—where individuals have romantic or intimate relationships with multiple partners—it is not confined to this type of relationship. Symbiosexual attraction can also occur in monogamous settings. The central element is the energy exchanged between the individuals involved, which serves as the primary source of attraction. For some, this attraction may manifest as admiration for a close bond, while others may feel a desire to be part of that shared connection.

As Dr. Johnston puts it, “There’s a significant group of people who find themselves deeply moved by the power of the connection between two people, regardless of whether they’re personally involved with either of those individuals. The relationship itself becomes the object of attraction.”

Challenging Traditional Ideas of Desire

Challenging Traditional Ideas of Desire

Symbiosexuality challenges traditional notions of sexual and romantic attraction by moving away from a focus on individual desires. Conventional attraction often emphasizes specific traits such as physical appearance, personality, or common interests. In contrast, symbiosexuality reconceptualizes attraction as rooted in the overall dynamic of a relationship, where the connection among two or more people becomes a source of intrigue and desire.

This change in perspective has led some to reconsider what it truly means to be attracted to someone. Symbiosexuals view the relationship as “greater than the sum of its parts,” finding the shared energy between partners to be much more compelling than any individual’s characteristics. Thus, symbiosexuality encourages us to rethink how desire functions and broadens the ways in which people can experience attraction.

A Diverse Population of Symbiosexuals

A Diverse Population of Symbiosexuals

As this new identity gains recognition, it is becoming evident that the population identifying as symbiosexual is more varied than initially thought. Dr. Johnston’s research indicates that many individuals from diverse backgrounds have reported experiencing symbiosexual attraction. “What surprised me the most was the sheer number of people who related to this concept,” Johnston noted, emphasizing that symbiosexual attraction spans a wide range of demographics and relationship types.

The increasing visibility of this orientation highlights its appeal to a broad spectrum of individuals. Whether they belong to polyamorous communities, monogamous relationships, or more fluid relationship structures, symbiosexuals are discovering that this term allows them to express their unique experiences of attraction. This expansion of identity showcases the growing diversity in how people articulate and comprehend their desires.

Symbiosexuality: More Than a Passing Trend?

Symbiosexuality: More Than a Passing Trend?

As with any emerging sexual identity, some may question whether symbiosexuality is just a passing trend or a genuine orientation that will endure. Preliminary research and anecdotal evidence indicate that symbiosexuality is likely here to stay, as more individuals are stepping forward to share their experiences and connect with others who have similar feelings.

Symbiosexuals are attracted not only to physical characteristics but also to what some refer to as the “multidimensionality” of relationships, encompassing emotional, intellectual, and even spiritual energy. They argue that this energy is the true focus of their desire. Some have compared symbiosexuality to experiencing awe in the shared connection between partners, emphasizing that this relational energy takes precedence over the individuals themselves.

Symbiosexuality’s Place in the Broader Conversation About Sexual Identity

In recent years, discussions around sexual orientation and identity have broadened to encompass a diverse range of experiences and labels. The spectrum of human attraction now includes terms like pansexuality and asexuality, revealing its complexity beyond what many previously thought. Symbiosexuality introduces an additional dimension by emphasizing the importance of relational dynamics in shaping desire.

Experts suggest that as more individuals identify as symbiosexual, the term will gain greater recognition and understanding. Already, symbiosexuality is being examined in both academic and social contexts, with researchers like Dr. Johnston taking the lead in redefining the study of attraction. As society grows more receptive to innovative perspectives on desire, symbiosexuality is likely to play an important role in the evolving conversation about love, attraction, and relationships.

In Conclusion

Symbiosexuality presents a novel viewpoint on attraction, emphasizing the energy exchanged between individuals as the main focus. For symbiosexuals, “the bond shared between partners is far more compelling than the individuals themselves.” This distinctive orientation is providing many individuals with a fresh approach to comprehend and articulate their desires.

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