You’re a Genius if You Can Provide the Correct Answer in 10 Seconds

Ready for a quick brain challenge? Here’s the equation:

7×7 – 7 ÷ 7 + 7

It looks simple, but can you solve it in under 10 seconds? Only a genius can!

The Breakdown:

To get the correct answer, you must follow the order of operations (PEMDAS):

  • Step 1: 7×7 = 49
  • Step 2: 7 ÷ 7 = 1
  • Step 3: 49 – 1 + 7 = 55

The Answer:

The answer is 55. If you got it right within 10 seconds, you’re a genius!

Feel free to challenge your friends and see if they can solve it quickly too!

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